Manual WordPress Installation Process – cPanel
WordPress is a free and open-source content management system (CMS), which ensures that anybody may download and change the WordPress software. CMS is a tool that helps you to build your website without writing a single code, it helps users to create, manage, modify and design the website or blog without technical knowledge.
WordPress is widely used fastest growing CMS nowadays. WP is the easiest and most common way to start a new blog or website, with WP contributing for about 40% of all blogs on the Internet. It is easy to use, variety of themes and plugins are available free with strong community support made WordPress the best CMS on the internet.
Every hosting company is making it easier to install WordPress with “1-click-installation process” options, but this is not the best choice from a security point of view but always prefer manual WordPress installation process.
Step by Step Process, Manual WordPress Installation using cPanel in Shared Hosting from Scratch
What is cPanel?
cPanel is Linux based graphical user interface (GUI) used to control server, there are many tools inside cPanel which allows you to manage domains, organize files, create email accounts, security to your website and publish websites, and many more.
cPanel is one of the best, efficient and widely used control panels on the internet. Maximum web hosting companies provide you cPanel as a part of the Web hosting package.
How to Login cPanel?
By using port 2083, you can log in to your cPanel web hosting account, type your domain name in the address bar followed by colon 2083 like ex. or you can access through another way like,, a screen will show there, just type your username and password you will get accessed to your hosting account.
Step 1: Download WordPress for Manual Installation
This link will take you to the most recent edition of WordPress, download to your local computer

Step 2: The Process to Upload File in cPanel Hosting Account for Manual Installation
Once the zip file has been downloaded, unzip the downloaded file you will get a WordPress folder, go inside the folder select all files and folders and create a new zip file. You have to upload this newly created zip file to your server through cPanel to install WordPress manually.
Unzip-WordPress File

According to your requirement where you want to install WordPress in your main domain, subdomain, or addon domain. Given below step by step process, how to install WordPress manually in detail.
Manual Process to Upload ZIP File for Main Domain
- Go to your cPanel account given by the hosting provider, or
- Enter your log-in credentials.
- After login to your Cpanel, you will get a FILES section, there you will get File Manager.
- Click on File Manager, there you will get many files in the file manager, search for public_html.
- Click on public_html, you have to upload the newly created zip file to your public_html, this is your root directory.
- Click on the upload menu in the top toolbar, browse your file and upload it.
- Unzip the zip file you uploaded.

Manual Process to Upload ZIP File for Subdomain or Add-on Domain
nside public_html you will get the folder name which you created for subdomain or addon domain or any folder where you want to run WordPress manually, go inside the folder upload the newly created zip file and the last step unzips the files.

After the zip file has been extracted into the root directory (public html), delete zip file from the root directory by right-clicking on it and selecting Delete, follow the process exactly written here.
Now you can manually install WordPress by typing in the browser,
But before proceeding you will have to set up a MySQL database manually, follow these instructions to set up the database manually for WordPress installation.
Step 3: Create MySQL Database, User and Assign Permissions, Manual Process
We have completed the early steps and now it’s time to set up the database which we need to run and install WordPress manually.
To build MySQL, navigate back to cPanel.
Find MySQL@Database under the Databases section of cPanel

- In the Databases section of cpanel, click the MySQL@Databases (Your database prefix will appear followed by an underscore and a blank space)
- After entering the name of a database in a New Database section, click Create Database. (copy the database name for future step)
- MySQL Users can be found by scrolling down the list (MySQL Users Add New User). By clicking Add New User and entering the database user name and password, you will create a new account. Ensure your password is strong enough. (copy the MySQL user name and password for upcoming uses)
- Add user to Database, select user name and database name in the dropdown and click on ADD for next step.
- In the Manage User Privileges section, select ALL Privileges and click Make Changes.
Create New Database (image)

Add New Users (image)

Manage User Privileges (select ALL Privileges )

Now the database is set up, you can plug the database details manually into the wp-config.php file.
Step 4: Process to Configure wp-config.php Manually
After creating the database properly, the time has come to edit file “wp-config-sample.php”, The wp-config-sample.php file contains the database details, it has a direct relation with WP to run the file, without the setup of database you cannot run the WP.
So you must finish this step to complete installation of WordPress in your domain to run the WordPress website.
- Go back to the public_html web root folder (login Cpanel – search file manager then public_html) locate the file name there.
- Right-click the mouse on “wp-config-sample.php” file, you get an edit option click on that
- Or click the file “wp-config-sample.php” then select code editor (edit) from the top toolbar and click that
- Hit the edit button, when a popup will appear.
- now the page will open, where you edit the file “wp-config-sample.php”
- The database details will appear when you open the file.
Edit wp-config.php (Database Details)

Note: Make sure the database name, username, and password are typed or copied manually within the single quote and that there are no extra spaces before or after them.
- Replace your ‘database_name_here’ with the name of your database you created earlier, in the above step in line number 23 of the image given above
- Replace your ‘username_here’with a username of the database you created earlier, in line number 26 of the image given above.
- Replace your ‘password_here’with a password of the database that you created earlier, in line number 29 of the image given above.
When you’ve done making changes to the MySQL settings, close the tab and click the Save Changes button in the top right corner.
Step 5. Process to Rename the wp-config-sample.php
Modify the file name from wp-config-sample.php to wp-config.php, do not save the default file name.
Right-clicking on the “wp-config-sample.php” file and clicking Rename, rename the wp-config.php file. Click the Rename File button to save the update. Now click the reload menu from the top to refresh the page.
Step 6: Run the Process for Manual WordPress Installation
Open the browser and enter your domain name ( to complete the WordPress installation process manually. When you enter the domain name it will be automatically redirected to the following URLs, if you uploaded the script inside pubil_html.
If you uploaded the WordPress script in a subdomain or addon domain then just enter the URLs, replace your domain name with and your folder.
For WordPress installation process manually, choose your preferred language in the first step
Choose your preferred language

When you press the continue button a new page will open prompting you to enter your new website credentials like site title, your username, your password, and your email address. Save these details on your PC for your further use. Since you’ll be logging into the WordPress admin panel with these credentials.
Important step – does not use admin, user, or administrator for your username for security reasons.
Meanwhile, this is a new WordPress installation, tick the box “Discourage search engines from indexing this site” as nobody wants their website to be indexed by Google, Bing, and Yahoo, or any other search engines. You can enable it later when your content will be ready for the website.
Fill all of the details

Once you have filled in all of the details in the Box provided, hit “Install WordPress” and you are all finished!
You will get the message “congratulations the software was installed successfully”
You will get your domain name link installed with WP and an Admin panel from where you can design your website manually.
Thanks for reading – How to install WordPress manually in cPanel, the link given below is how to install WordPress in One click
To Know more about, One click WordPress Installation, visit the link below
One Click Installation WordPress – Automated
Conclusion : Step-by-Step Process of installation WP manually, Tutorial for Beginners
It’s very simple process to install WordPress manually, even if you’ve never installed WordPress or used it before. Although it may appear complex and difficult at first, simply follow the instructions outlined above.
After you’ve completed the manual WordPress installation, you’ll be able to use WP to create pages and posts, customize the design with an appropriate WP theme, and much more.
But before you do that, make sure you go over these 6 crucial steps for correctly setting up your WP website after installation. They’ll make it easier for you to understand and utilize WordPress, as well as improve the speed and SEO rankings of your website.
I hope you’ll find out process of installation WordPress manually on the web hosting using cPanel. Please leave us a remark if have further questions, compliments or would want clarification.